Church schools

There are currently 12 Church of England (CofE) primary schools in the Acorn family. These schools all work within the Salisbury Diocese.

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Leader for Church Schools Flourishing (LCSF)

Acorn’s CofE schools operate under the aegis of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education and the Trust values the Diocese’s support with school improvement. As part of the Diocese’s ‘Programme for Church Schools Flourishing’, Acorn has appointed Max Burr, Executive Headteacher (External Affairs), as their Leader for Church Schools Flourishing (LCSF).

The purpose of this role is to ensure that each CofE school within the Acorn family is living up to its Christian foundations. Working in partnership with and reporting to both the Acorn Board, through the School Standards and Safeguarding Committee and the Diocese, the LCSF works to ensure that: 

  • each Church School lives out it’s theologically underpinned Christian vision.
  • each Church is inclusive to all.
  • each Church School keeps the social and educational needs of its community at its heart.
  • each Church School is a key component of the communities it serves.
  • each Church School leader is supported by the Trust.
  • each Church School understands and uses the SIAMS Inspection framework as a tool of self and Trust external evaluation.

The LCSF currently oversees all aspects of Acorn’s Programme for Church Schools Flourishing, including governance, recruitment and curriculum. Over time, these responsibilities will be shared, with Acorn staff taking on the following roles:

Leader for Church School Governance (LCSG)

The LCSG’s role is to ensure that Acorn’s CofE Academy Councils are effectively monitoring their school’s distinctive Christian vision and how it permeates every aspect of the school’s core function and wider life. They have been tasked to do this by Acorn’s Board and participate in the school’s annual Quality Assurance visit, held by the LCSF, which assists the school’s Headteacher to act on any areas of improvement.

Leader for Church School Recruitment (LCSR)

The LCSR’s role is to ensure that all staff appointments at CofE schools uphold their Christian vision and values, so the school continues to flourish in all respects.

At a day-to-day level, the LCSR works with Acorn’s HR team and Headteachers to grow and develop a team that values the school’s Christian foundation. At a leadership level, the LCSR works with Acorn’s Head of HR, Anna Williams, to ensure that all leadership appointments in Church schools successfully recruit a candidate who has a clear Christian vision for the school.

Leader for Collective Worship and Religious Education (LCWRE)

The purpose of this role is to establish Collective Worship and Religious Education (RE) as a key practice in CofE schools and that both are used as a way to help children flourish. The LCWRE ensures that:

Collective Worship:

  • enhances the Christian vision of the school
  • is invitational and inspirational
  • develops spirituality in adults and children


  • Is a core subject
  • Is well resourced
  • Is taught well
  • Has assessments that develop learning